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CLI Commands

Available commands for refter-cli. You can also run refter --help to see all available options.

  • validate
  • deploy

Global options


See all available client options by running refter --help.



(Optional) The path to the manifest file that should be deployed to Refter. Defaults to target/manifest.json.


refter validate --manifest dbt-sub-project/target/manifest.json



(Optional) The path to the manifest file that should be deployed to Refter. Defaults to target/manifest.json.


refter validate --manifest dbt-sub-project/target/manifest.json


(Required) The API key that should be used to authenticate with refter. You can find your API key in the refter dashboard.


refter deploy --token <your-api-key>


(Optional) The commit hash that should be used to identify this deployment. Defaults to the current commit hash.


refter deploy --token <your-api-key> --commit <commit-hash>


(Optional) The branch that should be used to identify this deployment. Defaults to the current branch.


refter deploy --token <your-api-key> --branch <branch-name>

refter uses the branch and commit options to identify unique deployments. It is recommended to supply these options for production deployments. To learn more about deployments check out the deployment docs. To learn more about setting up CI/CD to automatically deploy your dbt project to refter check out the CI/CD docs.